Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Document Box

Python Basix :

Juniper Day :

Friday, July 20, 2018

Hardening Mikrotik

Change port telnet,ssh and winbox
disable service not use

bandwith server disable
/tool bandwidth-server set enabled=no
dns cache disable
ip dns set allow-remote-requests=no
proxy disable
/ip proxy set enabled=no
sock disable
/ip socks set enabled=no
upnp disable
/ip upnp set enabled=no
check traffic flow wtih torch
via CLI : 
tool torch sfp1 port=any ip-protocol=any
Via Winbox

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Change owner folder on Linux

Command line: File ownership

Changing the ownership of a file or folder is equally as simple. Say Jacob moved a folder for Bethany into the SHARE directory – but Jacob still has ownership. This can be changed with a simple command:

sudo chown -R bethany /DATA/SHARE

Let's break this down.
  • sudo – admin rights must be used since we are dealing with a folder that belongs to another user
  • chown – the command for changing ownership
  • -R – the recursive switch to make sure all child objects get the same ownership changes
  • bethany – the new owner of the folder
  • /DATA/SHARE – the directory to be modified

    Ref :

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Django Python3 Framework on Ubuntu 16.04

Install Python versi 3
#apt-get install python3

Check Version python
#python3 -V
install pip3
#apt-get install -y python3-pip
check pip3 version
#pip3 -V
install virtualenv
#pip3 install virtualenv 

check version virtualenv
#virtualenv --version
buat direkstory baru untuk nanti aplikasi berjalan 
#mkdir django-apps 
#cd django-apps 

membuat virtual env
#virtualenv env

dan kemudian activate
#. env/bin/activate

(env) root@TS1:/home/snev/django-belajar#
Install django
#pip install django
check version
#django-admin --version
Membuat project
#django-admin startproject testsite
#cd testsite  
#cd testsite/   
masuk dan edit 
#nano ~/django-apps/testsite/testsite/ 
# Edit the line below with your server IP address
cd ~/django-apps/testsite/
cara Run web service nya 
#python runserver   

Referensi : 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Transparant Proxy on Mikrotik

From Winbox :

From CLI :

# Ini untuk enable proxy kita set di port 8080
/ip proxy set enabled=yes port=8080

 # Ini kita set setiap ada traffic dari interface LAN akan di redirect ke proxy dengan port 8080
/ip firewall nat add action=redirect chain=dstnat dst-port=80,8080,3128 in-interface=ether4-LAN protocol=tcp to-ports=8080

###> Keterangan :
in-interface=ether4-LAN >>>>> ini inteface yang ke pasang ke LAN user

# Ini kita gunakan untuk alasan security jadi kita block dari interface Internet/WAN untuk menggunakan Mikrotik kita sebagai Proxy Public
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=input dst-port=8080 in-interface=eth1-WAN protocol=tcp 

###> Keterangan :
in-interface=eth1-WAN >>>> ini interface yang ke arah WAN/POP

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Software Box

Elementary OS :

Putty :

nfdump :

Mikrotik ISO :


NetPerSec :

Winbox :

Btest Winbox for Windows :

Xshel Netsarang ver 5 :

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Install NFSEN & NFDUMP on Ubuntu 16.04

install depedency :

apt install make gcc flex rrdtool librrd-dev libpcap-dev php librrds-perl libsocket6-perl apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0

install nfdump :

masuk ke folder nfdump >
./configure --enable-nsel --enable-nfprofile --enable-sflow --enable-readpcap --enable-nfpcapd

make install
nfdump -V

cd ../nfsen-1.3.8

cpan  App::cpanminus
cpann Mail::Header
cpann Mail::Internet
nano ./etc/nfsen-dist.conf
# user and group of the web server process
# All netflow processing will be done with this user
$WWWUSER  = "www-data";
$WWWGROUP = "www-data";

# number of nfprofile processes to spawn during the profiling phase
# depends on how busy your system is and how many CPUs you have
# on very busy systems increase it to a higher value

useradd -M -s /bin/false -G www-data netflow
mkdir -p /data/nfsen
./ ./etc/nfsen-dist.conf

nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
        # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname and port that
        # the server uses to identify itself. This is used when creating
        # redirection URLs. In the context of virtual hosts, the ServerName
        # specifies what hostname must appear in the request's Host: header to
        # match this virtual host. For the default virtual host (this file) this
        # value is not decisive as it is used as a last resort host regardless.
        # However, you must set it for any further virtual host explicitly.

        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/nfsen
        DirectoryIndex nfsen.php

service apache2 restart
/data/nfsen/bin/nfsen start

Testing >>> on Mikrotik

nano /data/nfsen/etc/nfsen.conf
%sources = (
'MIKROTIK NOC'    => { 'port' => '2055', 'col' => '#00ff00', 'type' => 'netflow' },
#    'upstream1'    => { 'port' => '9995', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },
#    'peer1'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },
#    'peer2'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },

/etc/init.d/nfsen reconfig

Ref :

Proxy on Linux

add this to /etc/apt/apt.conf

acquire::http:proxy "http://user:password@";
acquire::ftp:proxy "ftp://user:password@";